
最近對[美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray 還蠻感興趣的...雖然有時候我會耍耍小任性..


像這次看到[美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray 有人推薦,剛好又遇到降價!不買真的不行ㄚ











Efficient epilation systsem removes hair from the root

Efficiency cap ensures gentle epilation in the most sensitive areas

Two speed setting allow for maximum performance

Ergonomic grip for comfortable handling

Washable epilation head for optimal hygiene

Enjoy long lasting smooth legs with Philips Satinelle. Unlike razors, Philips Satinelle epilator removes hair from the roots and is gentle on your skin. Plus, it's super easy to use, even for those new to epilation. For sensitive body areas, just click

Philips Satinelle epilator gives you soft, smooth skin from head to toe. Unlike disposable razors or depilatories, Philips Satinelle epilator removes hair from the roots and is gentle on your skin. Complete with two speed settings and an ergonomic grip for comfortable handling, this epilation system removes hair as short as 0.5 millimeter. The 21 hypoallergenic discs and a removable, washable head ensure a hygienic hair removal experience.

callout top with logo

Satinelle Epilator

At a Glance:

Total body hair removal system keeps skin smooth for weeks

Efficiency cap for delicate body areas

Gently removes hairs as short as 0.5 millimeter

Two speed options for optimum control

Two-year warranty

Philips Satinelle Epilator (HP6401/50) Product Shot

Efficiency cap ensures gentle yet efficient epilation for sensitive areas. View larger.

Philips Satinelle Epilator (HP6401/50) Product Shot

Cordless epilator gives you soft, smooth skin head-to-toe. View larger.

Two-Speed Epilator Removes Hair for Weeks

The Philips Satinelle epilator is a total body hair removal system that's easy to use, even for those new to epilation. It epilates sensitive body areas like knees and ankles, underarms, and the bikini line with the use of the efficiency cap.

A simple button lets you choose between two speeds (gentle and efficient) to suit your hair removal needs. This extra speed setting helps you work on more sensitive zones like underarms or the bikini line.

Efficiency Cap for Delicate Skin

Unlike other hair removal methods that can be harsh on sensitive skin, Philips Satinelle is ideal for delicate skin. The efficiency cap ensures gentle yet efficient epilation in the most sensitive areas. The result is soft, smooth skin without the irritation, nicks, or cuts that waxes, chemicals, and razors can leave behind.

Easy Operation and Cleanup

Ensure that your skin is clean and dry before use. Place the epilation head at a right angle to the skin and move the epilator slowly against the direction of hair growth. The fully removable, washable head makes cleanup a breeze.

Ergonomic Grip for Comfortable Handling

Philips Satinelle's rounded shape fits perfectly in the palm of your hand for comfo便宜rtable, easy hair removal.

Epilates Multiple Hair Lengths

Philips Satinelle epilator will remove hair as short as 0.5 millimeter. To allow optimal epilation, hair should be no longer than 1.5 centimeters. Optimal hair length for epilati獨家on is 3 to 4 millimeters.

About Philips

Philips is committed to understanding and meeting the needs and desires of its customers. This is why Philips creates cutting-edge products that are user friendly. With 60,000 registered patents, Philips is a global leader in innovation, receiving numerous international design awards every year.

What's in the Box

Philips Satinelle Epilator and efficiency cap.

Product Dimensions: 2.2 x 6.8 x 8.5 inches ; 8 ounces

Shipping Weight: 9.1 ounces

ASIN: B00742JW8S

UPC: 885129176566 885371005492 075020021762 885129162231

Item model number: HP6401/50




[美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時









(中央社紐約26日綜合外電報導)別緊張,音樂偶像小甜甜布蘭妮(Britney Spears)沒死。由於疑似駭客為了推銷他們的資安服務,索尼音樂推特帳號遭駭貼出布蘭妮死訊宣告,儘管立即澄清,但已引發軒然大波。

今天小甜甜的粉絲恐怕很多人心跳都漏了1拍,因為索尼音樂娛樂公司(Sony Music Entertainment)的推特帳號被駭,出現了「安推薦息吧@布蘭妮」、「#RIP布蘭妮,1981-2016」、以及「布蘭妮意外死亡!我們將公布進一步消息,#RIP布蘭妮」等推文。


奇怪的是,巴布狄倫(Bob Dylan)官網可能也遭駭,貼出「請安息@布蘭妮」的推文,且時間點跟索尼假推文吻合。


「哈芬登郵報」(Huffington Post)引用好萊塢報導(THR)指出,OurMine可能是這場駭客事件主謀,可能想利用這次駭客事件推銷他們的資安服務。

OurMine之前也曾駭過其他名人,包含臉書創辦人祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg),甚至Netflix、漫威娛樂(Marvel)跟「綜藝」(Variety)雜誌都被他們駭過。


美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)報導,小甜甜的經紀人李柏(Adam Leber)告訴CNN:「我很確定他們帳號被盜,」「我還沒跟任何人說到話…,但無論如何我確定被駭這件事,布蘭妮現在很好、沒事,這幾年來常有這類有關她死訊的網路玩笑,只是從沒從索尼音樂的推特帳戶發出。」

小甜甜官方推特帳號之後則貼出本尊作鬼臉、做出1970年代美國影集「霹靂嬌娃」(Charlie's Angels)風格手勢的照片,並推文寫說:「不要低估Charlie's(尾隨1個天使圖案)的能力。」


[美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray 推薦, [美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray 討論, [美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray 部落客, [美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray 比較評比, [美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray 使用評比, [美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray 開箱文, [美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray?推薦, [美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray 評測文, [美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray CP值, [美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray 評鑑大隊, [美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray 部落客推薦, [美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray 好用嗎?, [美國直購] Philips 插電式 美體刀 HP6401 Satinelle Epilator, White/Gray 去哪買?


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